The making of the second
Ayar Blasco film
Lava, Pare Crudo Film published at Cine.ar

The first Animation Festival called "AJAYU", in Puno (Peru), and our view of this incredible experience.
Co-produced with Peru.

A theater story co-produced between Chile and Argentina, of which we made the visuals and this documentary record.

A Vision of the Sea is our first documentary produced entirely on bocha-TV.
It is a project that made us tour the City of Mar del Plata, meeting Argentine surfers who fill us with pride with their internal and world experiences.
We join the idea of Marcelo Meza and his search to find the answer to the question: What is the Sea? and we developed this documentary of almost 60 minutes, to which we add our rhythm.
Declared of Provincial and Cultural Interest by the Executive Power of the province of Buenos Aires
Declared of Interest by the Municipal Tourism Authority of Mar del Plata
Learn more about A Vision of the Sea on our WEB

With the material shot at the SOT we created this reel for our favorite actress.

A story of Mar.

We created this first promotional piece for "bluepink", a modeling agency based in Mar del Plata.

We made visual design and videos of this play that premiered at the Matta Cultural Center, of the Chilean Embassy in Argentina on August 25 and 26. We are creating the documentary that represents this trans-Andean experience.

We make visual design and videos of this radio program ON line that is heard from THURSDAY, APRIL 7, on Radio LED, driven by Faviola Forteza.

We made the video of the play "YACARÉ" which premiered in 2015. Interpreter: Gisella Rebichini, Movement: Mariela Nussembaum, Art: Valeria Dalmon, Direction of the play: Miguel Angel Madrid.

A lingerie teaser.